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Have you ever wanted to make bobbin lace?

I have!  For a long time.  There were a few things stopping me though.   Equipment, mostly.  I could tell very many bobbins were needed, even more pins, and also a specialized foam pillow thing of some sort.   That plus the complete conceptual opacity of what compromised a pattern kept me from even trying it out for a very long time.  Last year, I finally bought myself a bobbin lace pillow, and decided the bobbins would come later.  And how hard could a pattern really be?   Behold!  Bobbins! 

First (ish) roll from my new to me Kalimar SR200

A few weeks ago, I got a Helios 44 lens, which happened to be attached to a Kalimar SR200/Zenit E camera.  The seller wasn't sure the camera worked, but mechanically, it seemed to function.  The light meter even seemed to work!   The first roll I shot in the camera came out totally blank.  Which was disappointing.  I think the issue is the film holder is very fiddly, either from wear or age.  But I'm happy to report that the second roll was totally fine!  I got 32 photos, despite the back being opened once accidentally during rewinding...

Maybe I'll keep that zoom lens after all...

 I overlooked a couple things when testing that vintage telephoto lens from my last post.   1) The included extension tubes!   2) My micro four thirds camera!  

Helios 44-2: chasing the swirl

 I got a new (to me) lens!   And a bonus film camera.  (and two bonus vintage telephoto lenses!)

Renulek's Rose #3

 Finished product first, of course.      

I went to Banff and took some photos

I took a lot of photos, actually.  I have selected a few from the very, very many I took.   I think this is my favorite one. 

Tatting: take two

Last year (?) I picked up needle and shuttle tatting.  I decided to stick with shuttle tatting for the long-term, but was having some issues with ergonomics and reading patterns and tension.  Somehow, taking a break from tatting entirely has resolved those issues entirely.   Here's my first piece from after my break Solstice (scroll to the bottom for the free pattern) by Tatting by the Bay: